CEMEA Centre – France

CEMEA Centrewww.cemeacentre.org

CEMEA (Training Centers in Methods of Active Education) are a movement of the New Education, an association of popular education and a training organization involved in every region of France, in the fields of youth, formal and nonformal education, health, culture and international relationships. The Ambition of the CEMEA is to develop actions in order to promote active education methods, new education as widely as possible and to contribute to the transformation of educative and social practices in our province and in partnership with national and foreign partners. They developed multiple partnerships with local communities, local governments, and associations.

CEMEA is an association “law 1901”, state-approved, partner of public teaching and their trainings are empowered by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and national Education. The regional association of the CEMEA Centre has 18 employees and relies on a network of around 300 activists (active members) composed of teachers, volunteers and professional youth leaders, educators, psychologists etc. We work in conjunction with the local representations of the youth ministry in our region and with the regional council. We also work with town councils We are involved in the CRAJEP (Regional Committee of Associations of Youth and Popular Education) and other platforms.

CEMEA Centre are particularly active in several areas: – Sector “youth leaders” and “social work”: trainings of voluntary youth leaders and directors in leisure time (BAFA / BAFD), training of professional youth leaders (training BPJEPS) and social workers, continuing education (for social workers, after school youth workers), link between formal and non formal education (local educational diagnostics contracts, training for coordinators). – School sector: actions of citizenship education (training of representatives of students, teacher training in connection with a school project), teachers training, participation in additional shares of school for students. – Pole “culture”: workshops around artistic events – Pole “territorial educative policies”: diagnostic about local organization, training of professionals. – Pole “Europe and International”: organization of mobilities for professional youth leaders in foreign countries (ex Leonardo), study visit of youth workers or teachers, organization of youth exchanges, european projects for sharing practices (ex Grundtvig), training for voluntary youth leaders abroad; workshops about intercultural, EVS hosting and sending organization, European projects, training modules on international issues, european construction, citizenship, and interculturality in each professional training we have, training for students preparing their individual or collective mobility (ex Coménius).